First things first, we got a new bathing suit today! Tell me what you think...! Cute, right? We bought a little gap one piece this weekend, tax free, but today we got another at Old Navy...went in for a 25 cent ball and came out with a bathing suit and a 25 cent ball (Ok, actually 2 bathing suits, 2 reed diffusers AND a 25 cent ball), if I'm being totally honest ......
So this is a 2 piece with a short sleeve surfer top; the bottoms complete with a flowery skirt... cute... These suits are the way to go, less sunscreen to slather on, much easier to change a diaper....not to mention full coverage of the wonderfully large belly grace is sporting these days....
So now to the story of the day. You see, Grace is a smart one... she is a little too smart, and tries to pull one over on me just about every day. Today is no different... she tried to pull 2 over on me.
We were back from our outing this morning, and I was cleaning out our shoe basket... behind this shoe basket sits a reed diffuser that is almost empty... (Reed Diffuser: a little bottle full of liquid that smells good with bamboo reeds sticking out of the top that diffuse the smells into the house...just FYI) It caught Grace's eye immediately... I told her "no, you can't play with those, you will get smelly stuff all over your hands" and promptly re-directed her attention to the new 25 cent old navy ball. She played a few minutes and I went into the kitchen to clean up the dishes... About 2 minutes later, I see out of the corner of my eye, grace with one of the reeds in her hand 'painting' all over the floor. The reed was leaving a trail of smelly stuff wherever she touched it to the floor. She didn't realize that I was watching her... so just to see what she'd do, I said "hey, Grace, what-cha doin?"
I am still inconspicuously watching... she stands up and runs back around the corner and puts the reed back where she got it (sort of) and picks up her ball.... She then says... "Ball! Mama!" Like she had been playing with it the whole time.... I walked over to her and said "what's this?" Pointing to the streaks across the floor and she shrugged her shoulders... I then asked to smell her hands...and of course they smelled like the reed diffuser... I then noticed that she didn't get the reed all the way back into the bottle, there is a fairly small amount of space... so she had laid it on the floor behind the bottle and tried to shove it as close to the wall as possible... so it blended in with the molding....TRICKY....
I am not sure she understands the concept of lying now, or omitting the truth... so it was hard to punish her for this, but this is just typical of how her almost 2 year old mind works...!
After lunch, we were in my room getting her ready to take a nap. One of her favorite things to do in there is fish through the side table drawers. There are pens and markers and various other writing utensils in there... She knows that she can hold the pens, but we don't draw on anything but paper... which we didn't have up there today..... She was rummaging and found a pen... then said "Mama, no color pen..." I said, "Right, good girl, we don't color with the pen because we don't have any paper..." I then go into the bathroom to try and work on the light fixture that's broken. I come out a few seconds later and see Grace drawing a masterpiece on the end of our bed!
I said "GRACE, no drawing on bed!" Startled, she said... "No pen Mama... dis....'
Which meant, ' I am not drawing with a pen, this is a pencil!' Ahhhh! What am I going to do with this child????... Below is a picture of her cleaning up her mess on our beautiful WHITE Pottery Barn foot board!
She's a sneaky one that girl of yours! Good thing she's cute, or I'm afraid of the beating(s) she may have received!! :)
That's my Gracie girl. She is so smart. "love you best" izze
The trouble with actually spanking her is that most of the time I am trying to hide my laughter and can't get the where with all to actually spank her! I mean, don't get me wrong, she's had a few, but she is just too darn funny....!
She is the cutest, smartest little girl....
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