Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sanibel Island!

We made it to Sanibel after 12 or more hours of driving! 1/2 of which was in the pouring rain and dark! Grace and Harper were champion kids. Mom and I decided that it would have been more annoying to ride with teenagers than it was to ride with them. Neither really cried, and they were good as gold. We left at 2 in the morning, and as Chris woke Grace up to say bye and put her in the car, she goes: "Daddy, am I still sleeping?" So funny.
Here are a few pictures from our first day:

Papa and Grace playing on the porch

Getting used to the pool again this year...

Harper has had a mystery rash on her face for about a week....but she's happy at the beach!

Grace isn't really a fan of the sandy beach... she is very sensitive about stuff on her feet, but when we got here she walked relatively far by herself... Usually someone has to carry her... She even mustered up enough gumption to chase a seagull...

On another note: Grace is also learning to sleep in a big girl bed this week, in anticipation of getting her own big girl bed when we get home! Last night she did OK, she woke up several times, and really liked that I was in the room with her so she could strike up a conversation... She wanted me to come get in bed with her... but so as not to start a bad habit, I am not laying down with her until she goes to sleep. It's really tempting because she is just so snuggly...but I just don't want another battle to fight at home. As I type she is napping peacefully, sang to herself before she went to sleep and didn't need me to lay with her! YAY!


Anonymous said... at this point I am feeling 90% happy for you, because truthfully...NOBODY deserves a vacation more than you do after the winter you have had....and 10% crazy jealous.

I'm guessing by the end of the week it will probably be closer to 70%/30%...but whatever, that's still mostly happy for you.
Please keep the pictures coming. Its raining here and just looking at the beach on my laptop is relaxing. Not to mention the fact that you have two of the sweetest little beach beauties I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

okay--i'm feeling a little more 80%happy /20% jealous and may get to more 60/40, but hey still mostly happy, right? live it up. can't wait to see more pics. me and my large preggo pastey belly will live vicariously through you :)