Friday, August 7, 2009

Pee Pee Potty Party

Yes, that's right folks... we have success! When I picked up Grace from school yesterday, her teacher informed me that she had asked to sit on the potty! (nothing had actually happened, but that's OK) This is HUGE! Since she had pooped in the potty on Wednesday (albeit, kicking and screaming) we took off to Wally World to get a new movie. (Oh, did I mention that when we came out of Walmart our car was completely DEAD in the parking lot...? No? Well, we won't talk about it)
Let me just confess that potty training has been the thing that I most dreaded about parenting. It is just plain disgusting. For several months, the world will totally revolve around stinky brown logs, nasty warm yellow liquid... and putting it all in the right place...YUCK. Let me just say, for the record, I refuse to wash poo out of any panties... if even so much as a little tire track appears.... it's the end of the line for those knickers...

This has been a long road for Grace, after a pretty traumatic experience at the doctor, I seriously thought we'd be in diapers until high school. Finally, we are starting to see some progress!

If there is anything good about this experience it is the fact that I know the girl can hold it. This week, in effort NOT to use the potty, she has held it for over 7 hours at a time. CRAZY! Maybe I am wishful thinking... but I am hoping that we will have fewer accidents because she's fully aware of when she has to go and how to hold it. We'll see.

Last night, on her own accord, Grace actually peed in the potty at least 4 times!!! Amy was here, so maybe she was trying to impress her... hey, I'll take it...
I was screaming and jumping around, dancing and singing... Harper was scared out of her mind because of all the ruckus, so she starts wailing... and Grace looks at me and says: "Mom, is I'm 3 now? Is it my burf-day?" Maybe she's getting confused because in the last week we've spent $60 dollars on potty presents....

Last night when she called Papa and Izze to tell them the good news, my dad goes, ' So Grace, is mommy going to buy you a Porsche now?" Grace replied: "Nope, Izze is."

Grace knows who butters her bread... don't you think?

PS. If anyone can find these awesome Nemo panties for me, I would be eternally grateful! This website says that they are discontinued....but we NEED them!


Anonymous said...

Pee pee in the potty, pee pee in the potty!

Shannon said...

Girl, you have me peeing in MY pants!! I'll keep a look out for the Nemo's! I love having something to hunt for.