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" When you are unsure which course to take, totally submit your own judgment to that of the Spirit of God, asking Him to shut every door except the right one. But meanwhile keep moving ahead and consider the absence of a direct indication from God to be the evidence of Hi s will that you are on His path. And as you continue down the long road, you will find that He has gone before you, locking doors you otherwise would have been inclined to enter. Yet you can be sure that somewhere beyond the locked doors is one He has left unlocked. And when you open it and walk through, you will find yourself face to face with a turn in the river of opportunity- one that is broader and deeper than anything you ever dared to imagine, even in your wildest dreams. So set sail on it because it flows to the open sea."
-from Streams in the Desert
Yes, folks... I've done it, finally. Stay tuned... more to come.
Pray for me yall....
It's about time! LOL! Love the pics below too. Proud of you :)
Jamie, your clothes are AMAZING!! I am so impressed. I want to buy pretty much everything and I don't even HAVE kids. :)Congrats!!
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