Wake up girls: 7:15am...about 1.5 hours earlier than they normally arise.
"Harper, it's your first day at school!...
Good morning, Grace, SMILE...!" (See picture)

"What's your idea, Harper?"
Harper says: "School, Gracie" (translation: school with Gracie!)
"Oh, that's a good IDEA, Harper!" (See picture)

"You're gonna have a great day at school, and Gracie will be there and you don't have to worry because mommy will come pick you up after your nap!" (see picture)

Off to school... babies on the bus (aka: dad's car)... Mama does a little happy dance after she closes the door to the house.

Harper was fairly sad all day the first day... cried most of the day, but she got to go see Grace and her friend Marlee which made her feel better. She was rocked to sleep and got to sleep with her paci the first day, but refused to eat.... she is a little bull-headed I think.
The second day, she did much better! Only cried about 5 minutes after Chris dropped her off and slept without her paci on her mat! Woo Hoo! Still had a hard time with transitions, and still refused to eat...you know, she is stubborn like that.
The third day (yesterday), I dropped her off for the first time and she wasn't really a fan of that. She threw herself on the floor, launched her lovie across the room and refused to be comforted by the sweet teacher who was trying to help.
On my way back down the hall after dropping Grace off at her class, the fit had calmed and she was relatively pleasant. I didn't look in her classroom, of course, rather I slinked on the floor like a snake so as not to be seen by you know who.
When I picked her up that afternoon, her teacher said she'd had a better day than Tuesday! She even played (nicely) with her friends and laughed a little at circle time... and dare I say, she ate a little of her lunch!
This is progress, people! She will eventually love it, I have no doubt and really come into her own... (as if she needs to do any more of that... :)
Grace has been so sweet to Harper during this process, she comforts her during school, talks to her about her day in the car on the way home and tells her what a big girl she is for not crying when mommy leaves. She reminds her that mommy will always come pick her up and that school is really fun. (G is such a little nurturer, it's just adorable)
On a side note, I am feeling a little more rejuvenated with those few hours to myself. It's amazing what that time does for me.
I love how Grace looks soooo unamused by the whole process in the first two pictures,like she's just humoring you with a half smile in the third, and then she has a full on smile in the fourth. That girl is a school pro, and I LOVE her take on mornings ;)
Cute...I liked your commentary. Yes, it's definitely good for us mommies to have time away from our kids. It's sweet how nurturing older girls can be, isn't it? Sophie is like that with Abbie.
Cute...I liked your commentary. Yes, it's definitely good for us mommies to have time away from our kids. It's sweet how nurturing older girls can be, isn't it? Sophie is like that with Abbie.
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