1. the sparse-ness of these closets makes my heart happy. Some kind of order in a chaotic week, I guess. (thanks mom for the help)
2. My children ate lunchables for dinner in their carseats while driving home from Walmart last night
3. I almost knocked a woman's head off in Walmart last night because she told me that she "couldn't BEEELIEVE" that I would bring the kids to Walmart without their coats and asked did I not know that it was "FREEEZZZING" outside. (thankfully I chose to be the bigger person and totally ignore the comment, otherwise she may have left the store sans a cranium.)
4. We've eaten Quinoa in various forms twice so far this week
5. I've allowed the kids to watch almost one full length movie per day (and I'm not even ashamed to admit it)
6. Harper has been sick for over a week and I finally took her to the walk-in clinic today... OOPS we left with an ear infection, upper respiratory infection and possibly a virus. Awesome
7. The kids have had O.N.E bath this week... yes, I said it... one.
8. We've eaten Chick-fil-a once
9. We've driven around to look at Christmas lights (aka kill time before bed) every single night this week
10. I don' think my kids have had more than one cup of liquid and one cup of milk each day... and I didn't realize it until the doctor today asked me if Harper had been peeing less....
11. Cleaning and organizing has been kind of therapeutic
12. I have forgotten almost everything I said that I would do this week
13. I really am not sure if today is Saturday or Sunday
14. At this moment, the small kids table is sitting on a tablecloth in front of the TV, and the kids are eating.... you guessed it... Quinoa... while watching a movie... (don't judge)
15. I am not sure that all their teeth have gotten brushed every night...
16. I did 4 loads of laundry today and gave away almost half of the clothes I folded simply because they would mess up our newly organized and cleaned out closets, and I have decided that 'stuff' is gross.
17. I am so thankful for family who has helped and friends who have hung out with us this week even though we probably smell rank by now!!
18. I don't remember how many showers I have had... but I'm thinking it's about 2
19. I know there's more... but I really can't remember them!!!
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