Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Let's just call it SCAT...

I find it funny and a little ironic that I am about to post this after such a 'spiritual' post. But I guess Jesus has a sense of humor also!

6:45am, that's when our day started. Anyone that knows me knows that I am not happy when that happens. Usually Grace likes to sleep until at LEAST 8:30-8:45, sometimes even 9am.... Not this morning..... GRRRR
We went to the park and ran a few errands. She started telling me she was tired at around 10am....Ummm, sorry child, you are not going to take your nap at 10 just because you got up early! So I kept her awake as long as possible. (mean, I know) We finally got back to the house around lunchtime.

She was all wet because she dumped juice all over herself in the car, nice. So I stripped her down naked and let her run around the house. We got out the potty and read the potty book. Not that she is really interested at all in the potty....just thought we'd try.

I was getting her lunch ready when I hear "poopoo potty mama!" I'm thinking, awesome, she wants to sit on the potty! So I run into the bathroom to get the potty... which took all of about 5 seconds....

I've learned that A LOT can happen in 5 seconds....

I am running around the corner with the potty, get to the door of the dining room, and before my eyes is the biggest, greenest TURD you've ever seen.... Not only that, there are little green turd footprints all over the floor. Grace is screaming and hopping around the floor because she HATES to be dirty or have anything on her feet...The turd footprints are multiplying by the millisecond.

I have to admit, it took me another couple of seconds after the first turd sighting to actually figure out what I was supposed to do.

Yep, all within 5 seconds.....Amazing...

Needless to say, grace's new phrase is: "Ewwww, Gaaacie poopoo floor"

Bet you're happy I didn't post a picture with this one! :)

1 comment:

Chelle said...

That is hysterical!!

Oh yes, the link to the pictures works now.