Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Etsy Update

Etsy, Etsy... so many things to say about Etsy. I've learned a lot these past few weeks, some good, some not so good! Still no sales yet, but BIG news...

One of my sweaters made it to the FRONT page of Etsy! That's big time, I tell ya... with the millions of items listed there, I feel HONORED to say the least.

I've been listed in several Treasuries this week by other shop owners and I made it to a blog tonight with over 800 followers, so that's exposure. All these things are great!

I've gotten emails asking if I could make a dress currently listed in a different size, which I knew may be a problem... but that's the nature of the beast I guess. If I am trying to create one of a kind hand crafted items, using 99% recycled materials there usually can't be one in every size... you know? It's something that may or may not work on Etsy, but I've gotten great feedback. People like what they are seeing, and when they tell me they are looking for a certain size, I am able to create something similar in the size they are looking for.

All this is so new, I really in the scheme of things have no idea what I am doing, but that's OK... I'm working on it and learning things along the way.

I'm adding some vintage things to the site as well to diversify my offerings. We'll see how that goes!

Some things are in the works for the fall... so I've got to be pretty busy sewing, which I love and that's good. I've said it many times: the more I sew the more myself I feel. My favorite thing to do is sew while listening to a Fred Hammond or another gospel singer on Pandora. Talk about inspiration...although, one time I almost stitched my finger to the garment because I was dancing. Scary, I know.

Today Alana of Nala Photography came over... talk about talent. She is amazing, and just one of the sweetest hearts you'll ever meet. Don't get me started on her baby yall... just adorable. We took pictures of a bunch of stuff for Etsy. I can't wait to see how they turn out!

So, things are moving. I've been praying for direction with this whole thing... so we'll see where this leads, if anywhere.

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