These muffins are too easy and too yummy not to share! Here's what you need:
Kroger brand Oat Bran Muffin Mix (actually any kind will work, this is usually all I can find though)
1 C water
some mix-in's
Follow the directions on the back of the box: basically blend the mix and water together. Now, when it said 'blend' I took this a little too literally and actually used a blender... I know, my brain is only 1/2 functioning these days... But it actually worked well. This time, I added a little vanilla and 2 over-ripe bananas. I 'blended' until well incorporated then stirred in some craisins. I don't usually measure, so I don't know how much vanilla I actually used, or how many craisins I put in....
The little blender pour spout makes it really easy to fill the tins. Bake around 20 min at 350. They are so yummy, and pretty healthy.
Sounds good! I will have to give that a try!
I was at Kroger Friday evening wondering what to feed last minute company that would be staying with us for 4 nights during a crazy busy weekend. There on the shelf was the box from this blog. It was even on sale. Every morning our guests have had fresh blueberry muffins. I just added a cup of frozen blueberries in with the mix and voila. They were so good and so easy. Thanks Jamie.
Diane Barlow
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