Monday, December 22, 2008


In all my bed-restedness, Grace and I have been able to do some fun things together. We've made tons and tons of ornaments... "Or-ma-ments" as Grace calls them! Here's a sampling of our work!

I also made some little birdie and nest garland... I'm not sure where I'll put it yet, but it turned out cute... Here are some pictures..... All the birds are different fabrics. I think the nests are my favorite! I guess the whole thing is around 10-12 feet long...

In other news... I am feeling about the same....Still contracting and feeling pressure... but I am refusing to go back to the hospital until I am about to die of pain...or until they send me directly from the dr's office. Today was the first time that Grace and I have had the whole day together, just the two of us...We watched Mickey Mouse Christmas in bed this morning, went to the gym, to the store for Grace to pick out a present for her buddy and new pacis for Harper... We ate lunch together at home and then she went down or nap... She didn't have a breakdown all day, was so happy and in such a good mood. It was so nice just to do 'normal' things again. I think it's good for her to see me doing things that I used to do every day, even as simple as laundry, picking up around the house etc. Tonight Chris told her that he would take her to the mall to do some Christmas shopping and she's been talking about it all day. So I guess the one good thing about Harper staying in a little longer is that we can have some good time with Grace before she comes!


All Things Family said...

Hi..I'm just jumping in from a friend's blog (bri) and thought I'd wish you good luck. Bed rest is for the BIRDS! I got put on it with my son last november and stayed there through January...11 1/2 weeks laid up in bed was no fun! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful or-ma-ments! I am very impressed with your creativity!. I would love to take lessons next time :) Miss you.